Faculty and Staff

School Administration & Faculty


Principal / Head of School; Upper School Religion

“This is my ninth year at Corpus Christi, and I can honestly say that there has not been one day that I haven’t LOVED being here. This is a truly Catholic community, in every sense of the word, where we pray, ponder, study, and learn together as we grow closer to Christ through our virtues program, sacramental life, service and almsgiving, focusing on the infinite love God has for each of us as we seek to imitate the saints. I am not exaggerating when I say that every day spent in this school is for me heaven on earth!”

Mr. David Baughman

Vice Principal; Upper School Math, Science, Classical Studies; 7th/8th Grade Religion

“I love teaching at Corpus Christi because it is a faith-filled community in which we share the love of God and the desire to know His Truth. I am able to share my faith with our children and in so doing deepen my own faith. Our school truly strengthens all of us to be better witnesses of God’s Truth. We are one united family in Christ.”

Mrs. Ann Horn

Dean of Support Services;
Art & Montessori Teacher

“I love feeling the vibrance of the Holy Spirit radiating from the students. No matter how I feel when I walk through those doors, I am greeted with smiles and kindness. What a wonderful way to start the day! Morning chapel reminds me that praying together truly unites us as one big family!”

Dr. Luiz Astorga

Dean of Classical and Latin Studies; Latin Teacher 5th/6th Grades and Upper School Latin

“It is a joy to teach at Corpus Christi and to contribute not only to it’s goal of academic excellence, but to the spiritual and moral formation that gives excellence a deeper and transcendent meaning. True classical education must be both learned and lived, and any student here is certain to experience both.”

Mr. Michael Hardt

Upper School & 5th Grade Math, Upper School Literature/Composition,
and 5th/6th Grade American Studies

“Corpus Christi sets high goals, encourages our students to reach for them, and lovingly urges them to move on with resilience when they fail. I’m honored to be teaching here because this is one of the rare schools that really aims – through its loving, classical approach to education – to help each student become all that God intends him or her to be.

Mrs. Theresa Alexander

5th/6th Grade Literature/Poetry, Grammar/Composition, Science, Religion

“I love working at Corpus Christi, not only because I see the joyful Catholic atmosphere, but because I love how that influences me and all the faculty/staff. The difference in student relationships compared to those I have seen in public schools and even other Catholic groups attests to the fact that this school is indeed Christ-centered. Every day I am reminded that truth, goodness, and beauty are what lead our students to Christ!”

Mrs. Joyce Cassin

6th-8th Grade

“I am so appreciative for the opportunity to teach where the commitment to God and education of children is such a blessing. My students desire and strive to learn new concepts and have welcomed me with open hearts. Each day is such a blessing and I go home each day with joy in my heart for such an opportunity.

Mrs. Jennifer Belardo

3rd/4th Grade

“I am excited to be teaching at Corpus Christi Classical Academy because I can combine my love of teaching with my love of Jesus! I consider it a blessing to be able to work at a Christ-centered school where Jesus can be woven into all aspects of learning. I am looking forward to walking alongside the students as they grow academically, socially, and spiritually!”

Mrs. Janet Easton

1st/2nd Grade

“I am happy to work at Corpus Christi as it gives me the opportunity to work with like-minded individuals. This environment enhances my faith and boosts my spirits, so hopefully, I too can make a difference in someone else’s life.”

Mrs. Elisha

Montessori Primary Teacher

“Corpus Christi encourages students and staff to constantly elevate our thinking to the true, good, and beautiful. All of the academics, life skills, and activities are centered around Christ, and are done with the purpose of drawing us closer to Him each day.”

Ms. Kalkidan
"Joy" Killeen

Montessori Assistant

“I’m excited to have this opportunity to work with the Montessori at Corpus Christi because I want to spread the word of God to children!”

Mrs. Elizabeth


“Corpus Christi is a warm, welcoming environment where all are encouraged to expand their knowledge and faith – students as well as faculty. The atmosphere here is peaceful, safe, and harmonious! I feel welcome, respected, and celebrated when I am among my students.”

Mrs. Mary

Violin Teacher

“Corpus Christi is an extraordinary school with not only a great classical Catholic curriculum, but also, with an opportunity to find the way to holiness; Jesus, Holy Mary and the Saints are present in the school on a daily basis. The students are wonderful. They truly love that they are learning and are eager to learn much more. It is amazing to see how students grow in their faith and love for others!”

School Staff

Mrs. Ampy


“I love the gentleness and joy with which teachers pass on their Catholic faith in all they do so that it’s just a natural part of the students’ school experience. This atmosphere is truly a gift!”

Fr. Bartholomew
Calvano, O.P.

Spiritual Director
Corpus Christi Classical Academy