Letter from Principal

Dear Families and Friends of Corpus Christi Classical Academy:

Let me say up front that Christ is the reason for this school and, as the sign in the entrance says,“He is the unseen but ever-present teacher in its classrooms. He is the model of its faculty and the inspiration of its students.”

Therefore, I consider it a sacred privilege to partner with you and your children in expanding their intellect and strengthening their faith as we work to prepare them for the future. As a Catholic school, we understand that we are educating children for eternity; as a Classical Academy, we will be introducing your children to beauty and goodness and truth as they seek to understand the world around them.

At Corpus Christi Classical Academy, there will be nothing initiated or accomplished apart from prayer, deliberation, and hard work. So I ask for your prayers and welcome your support as we continue to seek out ways to know, love and serve our Lord better in this world, so we can be with Him forever in the next!

Sincerely in Christ,

Mrs. Kathy Fehder

Corpus Christi Classical Academy